Pathogenesis of cancer

Сергей Шалин
(1 голос)
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Аннотация: This article is devoted to the pathogenesis of cancer. The processes of cancer cell formation are briefly described.

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10-05-2024, 20:43
Pathogenesis of cancer

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Mononuclear oncogenesis uses known processes and structural organizations as prototypes, according to the principle “all this was already in the body, only at a different time, in a different place and with other cellular and non-cellular elements.” The prototype of the “pretumor” bed, presented as an isolated microcavity, is the structural organization and functioning of the yolk sac of the embryo. In this case, conditions close to embryonic ones arise inside the microcavity, and the “nascent” malignant stem cell conditionally repeats the beginning of embryonic hematopoiesis. The prototype of the structural organization and functioning of the primary malignant focus is the structural organization and functioning of the red bone marrow. In this case, the primary malignant focus is presented as an independent structural unit containing all the classical characteristics of the tissue, possessing autonomy of reproduction and the ability to spread in the host organism. A prototype of the relationships between the structural elements that make up the malignant process and the relationships At the same time, the malignant process is presented as an independent system, which is characterized by its own control over the proliferation, differentiation and maturation of malignant cells, their spread and metastasis, as well as the subordination of vital organs and systems of the host body.The prototype of the emergence, growth and development of a malignant process is embryonic hematopoiesis. In this case, the malignant process conditionally repeats in a distorted form all the stages of formation and successive changes in generations of stem cells of embryonic hematopoiesis.

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