Позитивные изменения. Том 3, № 3 (2023). Positive changes. Volume 3, Issue 3 (2023)

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Аннотация: Темой этого выпуска стала «третья миссия» университетов, которая с 1 сентября 2023 года приобрела особую актуальность в России. В более чем сотне вузов страны появилась программа «Обучение служением». Несмотря на множественность значений термина «служение», в данном случае речь идет о том, чтобы гармонично интегрировать в образовательную программу задачи по созданию позитивных изменений в обществе, причем силами и в интересах студенческого сообщества. Успешный мировой опыт такой интеграции вдохновил на внедрение инициативы и в России, отсюда и возникло «служение» — из перевода англоязычного названия «serviсe learning».

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18-10-2023, 16:59
Позитивные изменения. Том 3, № 3 (2023). Positive changes. Volume 3, Issue 3 (2023)

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While some authors focus on universities’ impact on the economy and social development of regions, others discuss the vital role of higher education institutions in preserving and passing on cultural heritage, as well as their contribution to sustainable development and the formation of environmentally responsible regions (Popova & Gorbunova, 2022; Sorokin & Chunkevich, 2022; Lubsky, 2022; Urban, 2022; Abramyan & Eletsky, 2022; Kazakova, 2022; Vodenko, 2021).

The influence of universities on urban development has also been a subject of significant research interest among Russian-speaking scholars in the reviewed period (Bocharova, 2021; Chuikina, Klyuev, Egorova, Petrova & Efremova, 2021; Kasatkina, 2022). Authors note several aspects of university engagement with cities and regions. Firstly, universities can offer educational programs tailored to meet local labor market demands, aiding graduates in successful adaptation and employment within the region. Secondly, universities often serve as research hubs addressing local issues. They conduct research in economics, social sciences, healthcare, and other fields directly impacting city and regional development. Additionally, universities can collaborate with local businesses and organizations, fostering innovation and business growth. They can participate in joint projects and research, provide student internships, and offer consultancy services.

Overall, this collaborative relationship between universities and cities/regions is mutually beneficial, fostering knowledge development, economic growth, and improved quality of life in the region.

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