Позитивные изменения. Том 3, № 3 (2023). Positive changes. Volume 3, Issue 3 (2023)

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Аннотация: Темой этого выпуска стала «третья миссия» университетов, которая с 1 сентября 2023 года приобрела особую актуальность в России. В более чем сотне вузов страны появилась программа «Обучение служением». Несмотря на множественность значений термина «служение», в данном случае речь идет о том, чтобы гармонично интегрировать в образовательную программу задачи по созданию позитивных изменений в обществе, причем силами и в интересах студенческого сообщества. Успешный мировой опыт такой интеграции вдохновил на внедрение инициативы и в России, отсюда и возникло «служение» — из перевода англоязычного названия «serviсe learning».

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18-10-2023, 16:59
Позитивные изменения. Том 3, № 3 (2023). Positive changes. Volume 3, Issue 3 (2023)

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In the contemporary educational landscape, digital literacy isn’t just a skill; it is essentially a fundamental necessity. Comprehensive academic or research endeavors are not conceivable without IT expertise. It starts with the requirement to enroll in courses exclusively through a student’s personal account online and extends to gaining access to global repositories of scholarly data.

And since the future has already arrived, the Koreans have resolved to greet it fully prepared. Numerous prestigious institutions are conducting ambitious initiatives to implement next-generation digital technologies. Korea University, for instance, is pioneering the development of a smart campus, integrating cutting-edge technologies like blockchain, the Internet of Things, and the metaverse. Meanwhile, Gangneung-Wonju University, located in Gangwon-do Province, is amassing and dissecting student life data through the lens of artificial intelligence.

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies is approaching the realization of its third mission by harnessing the power of big data. This data fuels the creation of foreign language teaching materials, strengthens connections with relevant industrial sectors, and diversifies research in applying AI to foreign language education. Rector Park Jeong-Woon expounds: “We are actively crafting a standardized AI-powered language learning model.” Of course, the establishment of a dedicated AI language department is already well underway.

Leading the charge in integrating AI into education is Chung-Ang University in Seoul. After analyzing global megatrends, the university’s leadership has charted a vision for 2030, aiming to:

• Integrate AI into every aspect of education;

• Establish a high school specializing in AI;

• Develop personalized platforms leveraging AI technology.

One example is the existing CAU e-Advisor platform, an AI-driven tool for personalized academic guidance. Academic mentors utilize this platform to tailor individual academic plans for students, helping them curate the perfect learning trajectory. Furthermore, thanks to AI feedback, students can closely monitor their progress and performance, gaining insight into their academic journey’s dynamics. This immediate feedback empowers students to identify areas where they need to apply extra effort.

President Park Sang-Gue of Chung-Ang University highlights the positive outcomes of implementing electronic assistants for both students and educators: “Through this system, our students have become more actively engaged in shaping their academic path. They’ve shared how it aids their immersion in the learning environment. For faculty, it’s easier to track student progress, pinpoint at-risk students, and offer appropriate interventions.” Thus, AI allows the full realization of personalized education concepts.

Simultaneously, digital competency is increasingly fundamental to ensure that control remains firmly in human hands, rather than ceding it entirely to our virtual aides.

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